Please let us know if you would like to post events for your business or organization.
Great Business Networking Opportunity!
Promote your business, build relationships, and enjoy a great breakfast at the ShowBiz Salem-SKBA breakfast meetings on the 1st Thursday of each month, from 8:00am until 9:30am at the: Scottish Rite Center, 4090 Commercial ST. SE Salem, Oregon 97302
Great Business Networking Event! (*The only cost is the price of your lunch!
Join us for a great opportunity to promote your business, meet new & old friends, and network over lunch at our Business Networking Meeting:
Every Wednesday from 12 noon until 1:30 pm at:
Olive Garden Italian Restaurant
1302 Lancaster Dr NE, Salem, OR 97301
(No membership in any type of networking group required to attend.
Dedicated to improving local commerce while supporting schools, youth groups, non-profit organizations, and churches in our community, the Salem-Keizer Business Alliance is an economic development company registered as a chamber of commerce within the state of Oregon.